Tips to Achieve Perfect Buoyancy

Hello divers! Today we’re going to be talking about one of the best kept secret by long term divers, how to achieve perfect buoyancy. We’ve all experienced floating up and feeling like you can’t reach the ocean ground, or feeling like you’re inevitably going to crash on the sand. But fear not, here are some tips that might help you master this seemingly impossible skill. 


As with any new activity or skill you learn, you have to be patient in order to master it. The more you practice the better you get at doing it. In scuba diving that means you move your hands less and less, until you use them in the rarest of occasions to swim, like to protect coral reefs if you’re dangerously close to kicking them with your fins. 

You also start getting more comfortable in being in a horizontal position so that your weight is equally distributed, which leads me to my next point…


You have to be sure you are wearing the right amount of weights. The weights you use vary depending on the equipment you’re using. If you are wearing a thicker wetsuit than usual you will probably need more weight than if you’re wearing a 1mm wetsuit. So, it’s important that you know how your equipment will affect the weights you use. 

Weights are worn close to your mid body to help with balancing out your body, but if your weights go in the pockets of your BCD (Buoyancy Compensator Device), then be sure it is distributed equally between the sided. 


Last but definitely not least, is your Buoyancy Compensator Device which you can probably tell is important for this specific topic. You can regulate your buoyancy using your breath, inhaling to go nap and exhaling to sink down. But, you can aso inflate and deflate your BCD. The most common mistake made here is that people either put too much air and take too much air out. You have to give it time to adjust, putting in small amounts of air and taking a few breaths before inflating it further. In the same manner, slowly taking the air out until you find the balance. 

We hope this post helped you and we look forward to seeing you practicing then with us, book your scuba adventure now! 


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